Our Support this Christmas...

23rd December 2020
Reading time < 3 minutes

It's more important than ever this year to ensure that Christmas is a time for giving and supporting others. Team DB has generously swapped their Secret Santa presents to one another, this year, in exchange for making donations to charities doing vital work and giving support across Scotland this Christmas. An amazing £300 was raised by all staff that was then matched by the business directors to provide £600 to our chosen charities.

What Charities are we supporting?

Edinburgh Soup Hamper

Edinburgh Soup Hamper has been helping out the Edinburgh Community by providing free soup packages containing fresh vegetables to those living on the breadline. Alongside, providing our donation, our business development manager Lisa Harrison been delivering packs containing necessary ingredients for making a pot of filling soup including bread, vegetables, stock cubes.

Ways you can support:
Just Giving page for donations
Facebook page for referring those in need (or self-referrals)


SAMH work with adults and young people providing mental health social care support, services in primary care, schools and further education, among others in over 60 communities.  These services alongside their national programme work in See Me, respectme, suicide prevention and active living; inform their policy and campaign work to influence positive social change.

Ways you can support:
Donate to SAMH
Winter Well-being:
Self-Help and Coronavirus Information Hub

Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity

The Royal Hospital for Sick Children (RHSC) is situated in Edinburgh and was the first children's hospital in Scotland. The hospital supports over 100,000 children every year, ranging in age from just a few hours old to aged 16 in some specialties. The hospital treats patients from all over Scotland primarily across Edinburgh, the Lothians, and Fife.

Show your support:
Donate to RHSC
Find out More:
About RHSC

Simon Community Scotland

Simon Community Scotland supports adults and young people who are suffering homelessness by providing individuals with emergency shelter as well as homes in the community. DB Comms has been working with Get Digital Scotland. A digital inclusion program funded by The Scottish Government & Simon Community Scotland to help increase the digital capabilities of service users & staff within the homelessness sector during the Covid-19 crisis.

Find out about their work:
About Simon Community Scotland
Ways you can support:
Donate to Simon Community Scotland
Read about Our Work:
Get Digital Scotland