It is commonly respected that broadband is the 4th utility, but unlike water, gas and electric your broadband come in many shapes and sizes, the availability of some of the direct commercial products is a postcode lottery. But as business owners, you can be somewhat the master of your premises destiny by installing the best available business broadband or ethernet solution.
Why is connectivity so important!
Almost everyone loves their lives with applications like Spotify, Netflix, Dropbox, Whatsapp all playing a major part in what we do and how we do it. Businesses are no different, our Email, our Applications, our Files, our Marketing, and even our Phone Systems are now online. On both sides of the fence, we use these applications – A LOT – which means a reliable and constant data connection really is a necessity for living in the digital age.
All businesses are digital businesses now. Whether you sell hand-carved tables or professional service services, elements of your business will rely on digital technology to help you produce your solution, deliver your solution, or help you communicate with those that matter most to your business – your colleagues, your customers, and your suppliers (in no specific order).
Increasingly, businesses are consuming many of their critical applications from the cloud, doing so allows businesses to create efficiencies, reduce costs, and engage with new products or working practices, helping to give them a competitive edge over their competitors.
Is your connection ready to support the employees of tomorrow (today).
The reliance on the cloud means that connectivity is a critical enabler for business, the requirement for robust and well-engineered data connectivity cannot be overlooked. Business owners must do their homework when it comes to choosing a suitable provider. One size doesn’t fit all. Businesses should look for a provider that meets their needs by offering a range of cloud-based connectivity services.