The Client
Since their beginnings in 1891 when the very first piece of knitwear came off the knitting frames at the Lanark site, Glenmuir has committed itself to create golfwear with impeccable care, skill and dedication to the craft.
In a strive to deliver best in class user experience for its customers and staff alike, Glenmuir were keen to review its ageing telephony and connectivity environment. From a telephony point of view, it was disjointed at best with various providers involved, in addition, their system was end of life and was using legacy ISDN technology. As well as the system being end of life there where crucial limitations in terms of disaster recovery and mobile/remote working options.
What DB Comms did
In terms of connectivity Glenmuir where and are no different to most modern businesses they have a growing dependency on Cloud technology, with email, CRM and many other business-critical applications requiring a fast, reliable internet connection. Historically the business multiple FTTC connections, stitched together all serving different purposes, which served its purpose at the time but failed to deliver dedicated bandwidth, quality of service, ease of failover, or simplicity of service. The business always appreciated the benefits of having a dedicated Ethernet service but had always conceived the set-up costs to be prohibitive.
Outcome for Client
To underpin this new solution Glenmuir took advantage of the Government Gigabit Voucher Scheme (GBVS) , this is a publicly funded pot of £67 million, this can be utilised by businesses in the UK to help them connect to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), in this scenario, Glenmuir opted for 100/1000 Mbps solution, which would provide them ample bandwidth for their current requirements, whilst providing scalability to meet the future demands of the network.
As part of The project we have deployed our “Cloud Voice Complete” solution, in doing this we offered an easy to administer, flexible and feature-rich system, we eliminated all UK Call spend by providing free local, national and mobile calls. As the system is licensed on a per-user basis, we created a flexible pricing structure to accommodate future growth. By providing a fully managed and inclusive service we have removed the burden of expensive maintenance and engineer call outs.