We wanted to inform you of an important update regarding our phones. Tomorrow, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., we will be undergoing a necessary upgrade to improve our phone system.

During this period, our phone lines will be temporarily unavailable, meaning you won't be able to reach us via phone. We understand the importance of accessibility and want to assure you that we are taking measures to minimise any inconvenience.

While we anticipate that the upgrade process will be smooth and efficient, there may be some delays in our ability to respond to calls immediately after 12:00 p.m.

In the meantime, if you require assistance during the upgrade window, please feel free to reach out to us via email.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance our services. Thank you for your continued support and patience.

1. Introduction to IP telephony and the need to switch

IP telephony, also known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), uses the internet to transmit voice calls. The technology has several benefits when compared to Analogue and ISDN lines:

2. Challenges facing those switching to IP telephony.

With the 2025 Switch Off looming, besides necessity, there are compelling advantages for migration to IP telephony, but that does not mean it will be plain sailing.

3. How to switch to IP telephony

Any successful migration needs a little bit of planning, here are some key considerations:

  1. Assess current needs: You may have a simple solution at the moment, but try to move past what you have now, and think about what would improve your business.
    • Advanced Call Routing
    • Remote Working
    • Call Recording
    • Audio Branding
  2. Choose a provider: Work with a company you can trust, someone who can demonstrate a proven track record and have the infrastructure to support your growing business.
  3. Plan and design: Work with your provider to agree a plan and timescales that match with your goals for the deployment, taking into consideration device types, application access, calling plans, hunt groups and system schedules. Make sure you have a clear definition of who is doing what, especially if you have different suppliers and contractors involved.
  4. Equipment procurement: Ensure you properly scope the hardware and software required such as IP phones, routers, call management software etc before deployment. This should all be tested ahead of the switch over date.
  5. Installation and configuration: Make sure everyone is aware of the plan and staff all know what challenges they might face, including downtime This will ensure that there are no surprises and plans can be made accordingly.
  6. User training and support: Ensure you enjoy the benefits of your new system, by training your staff properly. Having the documentation available for new starts and existing staff to refer back to is a good idea too.
  7. Testing and go-live: Conduct thorough testing to ensure everything in your system functions optimally before transitioning to live operations.

4. Benefits of switching to IP Telephony

Organisations that embrace IP telephony can reap a multitude of benefits:

5. Conclusion

The transition to IP telephony is an essential move and one that will benefit organisations seeking to streamline their communication infrastructure and leverage the power of digital technologies. By carefully considering the challenges and implementing a well-defined migration plan, businesses can effectively embrace IP telephony and pave the way for a new era of seamless communication and enhanced business operations.

The stop sell phase of the PSTN switch off commenced on September 5, 2023. This means that all providers in the UK have ceased offering traditional phone lines, including ISDN. This also applies to legacy broadband services that utilise the copper line, such as ADSL and FTTC broadband. Additionally, you cannot make changes it any existing analogue telephony – like adding an extra line as an example.

This is a significant milestone in the PSTN switch off process, and it is important for Scottish charities to start planning their migration to a new technology as soon as possible.

Here are some things that Scottish charities need to know about the stop sell phase:

Here are some tips for Scottish charities on how to prepare for the stop sell phase: 

The PSTN switch off is a major change, but it is an opportunity for Scottish charities to upgrade to a more modern and reliable telephony solution. By planning ahead and choosing the right solution, charities can ensure that they continue to communicate effectively with their donors, volunteers, and beneficiaries.

Jargon busting 

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network 

PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network 

VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol

The ISDN switch-off is a major event that will impact organisations of all sizes in the UK. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of this transition and provide tips on how you can prepare. 

We have just entered the stop sell phase of the ISDN switch-off. What does this entail?

It means that organisations can no longer purchase new ISDN lines or renew existing contracts. This is a significant milestone in the ISDN switch-off process, and it is important that organisations start planning their migration to a new technology as soon as possible.

Key Points During the Stop Sell Phase: 

What does the ISDN switch off mean for my organisation?

How can you prepare your business for the ISDN switch-off? 

How can DB Comms support with the ISDN 2025 Switch-off? 

DB Comms is a leading provider of business telecommunications solutions for businesses. We can help you prepare for the ISDN switch-off by: 

We understand that running your organisation is your top priority, so let us take care of the ISDN switch-off for you. We'll handle everything from planning to implementation, so you can focus on what you do best. 

Time is key 

The ISDN switch-off is a big change, but it doesn't have to be a headache. DB Comms can help you make the transition to VoIP with ease. We'll take care of everything from planning to implementation, so you can focus on what you do best.

Don't leave your organisation's future to chance. Contact DB Comms today for a personalised consultation and find out how we can help you prepare for the ISDN switch-off. Your smooth transition begins here.

Jargon busting 

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network 

PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network 

VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol

The Client

Since their beginnings in 1891 when the very first piece of knitwear came off the knitting frames at the Lanark site, Glenmuir has committed itself to create golfwear with impeccable care, skill and dedication to the craft.


In a strive to deliver best in class user experience for its customers and staff alike, Glenmuir were keen to review its ageing telephony and connectivity environment. From a telephony point of view, it was disjointed at best with various providers involved, in addition, their system was end of life and was using legacy ISDN technology. As well as the system being end of life there where crucial limitations in terms of disaster recovery and mobile/remote working options.

What DB Comms did

In terms of connectivity Glenmuir where and are no different to most modern businesses they have a growing dependency on Cloud technology, with email, CRM and many other business-critical applications requiring a fast, reliable internet connection. Historically the business multiple FTTC connections, stitched together all serving different purposes, which served its purpose at the time but failed to deliver dedicated bandwidth, quality of service, ease of failover, or simplicity of service. The business always appreciated the benefits of having a dedicated Ethernet service but had always conceived the set-up costs to be prohibitive.

Outcome for Client

To underpin this new solution Glenmuir took advantage of the Government Gigabit Voucher Scheme (GBVS) , this is a publicly funded pot of £67 million, this can be utilised by businesses in the UK to help them connect to Fibre to the Premises (FTTP), in this scenario, Glenmuir opted for 100/1000 Mbps solution, which would provide them ample bandwidth for their current requirements, whilst providing scalability to meet the future demands of the network.

As part of The project we have deployed our “Cloud Voice Complete” solution, in doing this we offered an easy to administer, flexible and feature-rich system, we eliminated all UK Call spend by providing free local, national and mobile calls. As the system is licensed on a per-user basis, we created a flexible pricing structure to accommodate future growth. By providing a fully managed and inclusive service we have removed the burden of expensive maintenance and engineer call outs.

The Client

Get Digital is set up to help increase the digital capabilities of service users and staff within the homelessness sector. They do this by providing training, support and resources. They want people affected by or working in homelessness to experience an improved quality of life by benefiting from the digital world.


The outbreak of the Coronavirus has led to a greater reliance on digital for many of our daily activities: from socializing with friends, managing finances or finding reliable information on health,
the latest news and updates from the government.

Digital has never been so critical to our lives. Social distancing and self-isolation has reduced our ability to communicate face to face. There are many ready-made digital communication tools to help us stay in touch. Email, messaging, and/or video tools are essential in the current climate to reduce social isolation and for people to access support. These tools are vital to help us to connect with the people and organisations in our lives.

What DB Comms did

DB Comms are the first provider of the necessary technology & equipment needed to support this campaign. To help promote digital inclusion, DB Comms has provided handsets and ensured that mobile broadband is accessible within temporary accommodation for those experiencing housing issues during this difficult time.

Outcome for Client

How will this help the project users…

“DB Comms have been extremely helpful, responsive and supportive of this project. They have enabled
us to quickly deliver digital access to the people we support. This will change lives.”

Jamie Trout, Digital Inclusion Programme Manager